CONTACT - Business Meetings

As a proven additional service for exhibitors and visitors of the Intec and Z we offer the CONTACT Business Meetings providing the target-orientated search of business partners.
Wednesday, 12 March, 2025
- Location: Leipzig Trade Fair, Congress Center Leipzig, MZF3/4 (directly to the entrance of hall no. 2)
- Organizer: Enterprise Europe Network Saxony, Leipzig Chamber of Trade and Commerce
In view of international competition and the globalisation of the economy, strategic as well as cross-border partnerships for complete solutions along the value chain are becoming a decisive factor. Use the CONTACT Business Meetings to find new business partners and get to know them in a personal meeting!
(Participation is free of charge for exhibitors and visitors)
Schedule, registration, conditions:
- Registration
All meetings will take place at 12.03.2025 from 10 am until 5 pm.
- Costs: free of charge
- Organizer: Enterprise Europe Network Sachsen