Forward-Looking Topics and Practical Live Events
The highly varied conference programme accompanying the trade fairs will help participants to find answers to questions surrounding the industry's transformation – and will include numerous practical live events in the exhibition halls.
The trade fair conference programme will take a detailed look at issues shaping the future of the industry. One example of this is the special exhibition and expert forum "Additive Manufacturing – Evolution of a modern technology" in Hall 3. The companies FIT, Mark3D and METROM Mechatronic Machines, for example, will be participating in the special exhibition.
Advancements in the digitisation and automation of industrial processes require targeted applications of innovative sensor technology. As part of the special exhibition and expert forum "Sensor Technology – use and perspectives in manufacturing" in Hall 2, suppliers and users can meet to talk about current solutions and future trends in this key technology.
The topic of "Value Creation Using Hydrogen" will be examined for the first time at the trade fair combination. A special exhibition and a expert forum will look into the market potential of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies and provide inspiration for how the sub-contracting industry as well as mechanical and plant engineers can begin to align production to these new fields of application. Within the framework of this format, for example, the reference factory H2 developed by Fraunhofer IWU will be presented.
On the pulse of transformation
The third edition of Industry's Hidden Champions Conference will be held on 7 March 2023 under the title "On the pulse of transformation – world market leaders in uncertain times?!". Saxon State Minister of Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig, whose ministry is hosting the conference as part of the trade fair combination, says: "Increasingly diverse, profound challenges, such as climate change, the energy price crisis, raw material shortages and disrupted supply chains, demand strong resilience. Hidden champions are particularly successful at identifying and tackling change early. The conference will give an insight into the secrets of success of these global market leaders."
Establishing Contacts Across Borders
This year, international business collaborations will once again be established at the trade fair trio in Leipzig. On 7 March 2023, the Saxony Trade & Invest (Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH) will be hosting the international cooperation forum "Welcome to Saxony". Delegations from countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Kazakhstan are expected to attend.
On 8 March 2023, the 15th edition of the CONTACT Business Meetings will take place at the trade fair trio, organised by the Saxon networking partners of the Enterprise Europe Network and the Leipzig Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Around 170 participants from 21 countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia have registered for the event.
Competition to Find the Best Precision Tool Grinder of the Year
The conference programme of GrindTec covers a broad range of topics reflecting the many different aspects of tool grinding. At lectures at the GrindTec FORUM, visitors can benefit from first-hand information.
The competition TOOLGRINDER CHALLENGE will be held live at GrindTec on 8 March 2023 in Hall 5 with five finalists, who are required to programme a predetermined workpiece and process it on the Multigrind® Radical competition machine supplied by the main sponsor, Adelbert Haas. At the end of the final, the best precision tool grinder of the year will be proclaimed.
However, not only tool grinders will be competing at the trade fair. Exhibitors were offered the opportunity to submit an entry in advance for the GrindTec INNOVATION AWARD. A jury will honour innovative and sustainable products and processes as well as services. The award ceremony will take place on 8 March 2023 at the GrindTec FORUM.